Research Projects


SNSF Advanced Grant “Strengthening memory formation for retrieval despite amnesia”, PI. K. Henke.



Sitem-insel Support Funds SISF 2019 for the research project “Forming new hippocampal memories despite amnesia: High-resolution engram mapping at 7 Tesla”, PI: K. Henke.



March 2018 – March 2022
Interfaculty Research Cooperation ‘Decoding Sleep: From Neurons to Health & Mind’, Project II. 1- Learning during sleep enhances wake-learning, PI: K. Henke.

March 2016 – March 2018
Research support by the Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner Foundation for the study of subliminal memory formation. PI: K. Henke.

Sept. 2012 - Sept. 2018
Research support by the Center for Cognition, Learning and Memory, a Strategic Research Center of the University of Bern, Switzerland, for the study of memory formation during sleep. PI: K. Henke.

May 2008 – April 2014
Research Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation K-13K1-119953/1 “Does slow wave sleep strengthen the memory traces of both consciously and nonconsciously encoded episodes?” PI: K. Henke.

Nov. 2006 – April 2012
Research Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation 320000-114012/1 “Hippocampus mediates unconscious learning, consolidation and retrieval of episodes”. PI: K. Henke.

Dec. 2004 – May 2006
Additional Research Grant (extension) by the Swiss National Science Foundation (3100-067114.01/2) “Preclinical neuropsychological and neurophysiological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”. PI: K. Henke.

Dec. 2004 – Nov. 2006
Research Grant by the Stiftung für Klinische Neuro-Psychiatrische Forschung (Foundation for Clinical Neuro-Psychiatric Research) for the project “Genetic influences on human memory, memory-related brain activity and neuroanatomy”. PI: K. Henke.

Dec. 2003 – Nov. 2004
Neuroscience Center Zurich Research Grant to fund a graduate student
on the project “Genetic influences on human memory, memory-related brain activity and neuroanatomy”. PI: K. Henke.

Dec. 2002 – Nov. 2004
Research Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (3100-067114.01/1) “Preclinical neuropsychological and neurophysiological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”. PI: K. Henke.

Dec. 2001 – Nov. 2003
Neuroscience Center Zurich Research Grant to fund a graduate student
on the fMRI-project “Influence of nonconscious on conscious memory”. PI: K. Henke.

Dec. 2000 – Nov. 2003
Research Grants by the Pharmaceutical Companies Novartis, Roche, Pfizer, Janssen-Cilag, and Merck Sharp & Dohme-Chibret for the study of preclinical neuropsychological and neurophysiological markers for Alzheimer’s disease. PI: K. Henke.

June 1997-August 1999
Research Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation 31-47203.96 “Assessment of hippocampal function with H215O-PET, fMRI, and event-related potentials with regard to predicting memory deficits following selective amygdalohippocampectomy in temporal lobe epilepsy”. Investigators: A. Buck, K. Henke, H.-G. Wieser, P. Bösiger, S. Kollias, A. Aguzzi.

Jan. 1992 - Dec. 1994
Research Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (32-31 257.91)
 “Implicit knowledge of episodes”. Investigators: M. Regard, K. Henke, T. Landis.