
Untenstehend finden Sie die letzten Doktoratsabschlüsse im Fach Psychologie.

Name Projekttitel
Rockstroh Franziska The Course of Self-Injury in Help-Seeking Adolescents  - Treatment, Trajectory, and Prediction of a Transdiagnostic Phenomenon Prof. Schmidt 22.12.2023
Moye Amir Josef Cultural Ripples and Brain Waves: Investigations into Mindfulness, Analytical Meditation, and Culture-Sensitive Research Prof. Mast 21.12.2023
Krivoshchekov Vladislav Factors facilitating and inhibiting gender diversity at the organisational and societal levels: Emotionality in diversity statements and traditional masculinities Prof. Sczesny 20.12.2023
Ghibellini Romain Perceptions and Persistence: A Multifaceted Exploration of the Hypnagogic State and Unfinished Intentions Prof. Meier 14.12.2023
Malayeri Shera Toward Understanding Heterosexual Aggression in Iran: Prevalence, Predictors, and Perceptions of Sexual Aggression among Iranian Women and Men Prof. Sczesny 06.11.2023
Guizar Rosales Emmanuel Teófilo Bridging Our Present and Others' Future in the Brain - Neural Sources of Interindividual Differences in Intergenerationally and Environmentally Sustainable Behavior Prof. Knoch 02.11.2023
Studler Mirjam Decoding the Sleeping Mind - The association between neural traits during deep sleep and individual differences in risk preferences and prosocial preferences Prof. Knoch 02.11.2023
Rummens Koen Challenging the similarity rule of visual crowding: When detrimental clutter becomes beneficial uniformity Prof. Sayim 29.10.2023
Chirco Patrizia Pasqua White Americans’ reactions to a racially diversifying nation and social psychological interventions to address them Prof. Sczesny 11.10.2023
Wyss Annika Marit Human Behavior and the Anthropocene - Studying the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behavior from an Environmental Psychological Perspective Prof. Knoch 15.08.2023
Scheidegger Alina Biopsychosocial factors among patients with chronic primary pain to consider and foster for an improved interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment Prof. Grosse Holtforth 26.07.2023
Bielinski Laura Luisa Toward Blended Treatment? Findings From Three Research Projects That Combine an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention With Face-to-Face Psychotherapy Prof. Berger 12.07.2023
Tomberge Vica Marie Jelena Women’s health behavior in unequal gender power relations - The example of carrying heavy loads in Nepal  Prof. Inauen 19.06.2023
Borgmann Michèle Sexual Pleasure Matters - Defining, Operationalizing, and Promoting Sexual Pleasure Prof. Znoj 23.05.2023
Bühler Florian Jonas Sociocultural Aspects of Metacognitive Monitoring  Prof. Roebers 04.05.2023
Rihs Michael Thinking of Death: The Effect of Death-Related Thoughts on Cognition, Emotion and Cultural Values Prof. Mast 11.04.2023
Lombris Claudia Narzissmus in romantischen Beziehungen: Unterstützungsprozesse und die moderierende Rolle des Vertrauens Prof. Morf 06.04.2023
Büetiger Jessica The new era of psychosis risk research: Being “only” at risk for psychosis matters Prof. Roebers 03.04.2023
Klar Johanna Digital Drugs - Pathological Internet Use in Adolescents - The classification, psychopathology,and neurophysiology of an emerging clinical disorder Prof. Roebers 29.03.2023
Gubler Danièle Anne A Mechanism of Pain in the Brain: A Psychophysiological and Behavioral Investigation of Pain-related Interference on Attention and Creative Ideation Prof. Troche 20.03.2023
Venus Marion Correlations and Interactions of Professional Pilots' Duty Rosters, Work-related and Psychosocial Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue, Mental Health and Well-being - New insights into known threats to flight safety Prof. grosse Holtforth 22.02.2023
Bur Oliver Thomas Optimizing the Supportive Context of Web-Based Self-Help in Individuals With Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms Prof. Berger 01.12.2022
Meier Deborah Social Dynamics in Situations of Co-Presence: On Interpersonal Synchrony and Psychotherapy Process Prof. Znoj
Schneider Sandra Isabell Psychobiological stress among teachers: A transactional and multi-method approach Prof. grosse Holtforth 22.11.2022
von Allmen Nicola Combining the Work and Nonwork Role: How to Achieve a Successful Interface Prof. Hirschi
Imhof Christof A Prediction-Based Framework to Reduce Procrastination in Adaptive LearningSystems Prof. Mast
Schmidig Flavio Jean Epicodic Memories, Unconsciously Encoded Prof. Henke
Niederhauser Laura Eye movements and surgical expertise: development of surgical competencies in ear and nose surgery Prof. Mast
Ambühl Benjamin Adrian The Role of Psychological Ownership in Community-based Piped Water Supply Infrastructure in Nepal and India Prof. Inauen
Melnik Natalia Crowding and appearance in peripheral vision: from emergent features to dyslexic readers Prof. Sayim
Pacozzi Luca Aurelio Unconscious episodic memory - Mechanisms of inverse forgetting and their long-lasting influence on human behaviour Prof. Henke 24.08.2022
Koroma Dennis Embitterment in the Context of Social Exclusion and Contemporary Health Questions Prof. Znoj 13.08.2022

Grandjean Loris Noël

Individualisation in Psychotherapy Research: Personality Disorders Spearheading the Way Prof. Berger 06.07.2022
Chiquet Sandra
Mental Imagery Research and Social Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality Prof. Mast
Eggli Andrea Simone
Occupational Health in Social Work - The impact of social stressors on the health and well-being of social workers Prof. Elfering
Kälin Sonja Helen
Integrating the three self-regulation constructs executive functions, effortful control, and metacognition: The importance of inhibition and monitoring Prof. Roebers
Lüthi Fabienne Beatrice
Personal and Situational Resources: How do They Interrelate, Change, and Affect Career Success in and After Vocational Education and Training? Prof. Elfering
Hegy Julia Katharina
Where Shall We Begin? Factors to Consider When Developing Psychological Interventions for Dealing With Stressful Life Events Based on the Results of Three Research Projects Prof. Znoj
Zarro Baumeister Sandra Marinella
Vertrauen als Voraussetzung für Kreativität und Innovation: Ein Plananalyse-Ansatz zur Förderung innovativer Leistung - Trust as a Prerequisite for Creativity and Innovation: A Plan Analysis Approach to Foster Innovative Performance Prof. em. Caspar
Marciniak Julian
Development and Promotion of Career Preparedness in Adolescents Prof. Hirschi
Heer Sara Soraya Suleika
Nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel –Eine Arbeit zu patient*innen- und therapeut*innenbezogener Veränderung in der Psychologischen Therapie Prof. em. Caspar
Brog Noemi Anja
Coping with a pandemic: Findings on efficacy and predictors of treatment outcome in an internet-based self-help intervention for COVID-19 related psychological distress Prof. Znoj
Ellis Andrew William
Vestibular Cognition: A Computational Approach to Sensory Inference and Cognition Prof. Mast
Brintzinger Helene Miriam

Zur Personalisierung von Psychotherapie: Aspekte des individuellen Stils der Emotionsverarbeitung von Patientinnen und Patienten im Zusammenhang mit allgemeinen Wirkfaktoren der Psychotherapie und mit der Therapie depressiver Symptome

Prof. Znoj
Sigrist Christine
Resting-State, Reactivity, and Circadian Rhythmicity: Three Different Functional Components of Autonomic Nervous System Activity in the Context of Developmental Psychopathology Prof. Schmidt
Gurtner Lilla
A Forgotten Dimension of Eye Movements in Mental Imagery Prof. Mast
Wütschert Milena Sina
New Ways of Working: Some consequences of the new world of work on stress experience and occupational health Prof. Elfering
Siegel Sandra Manuela
Effektive Psychotherapie – Gibt es therapierelevante Kompetenzen, welche bereits vor der Psychotherapieweiterbildung einen Einfluss  auf spätere Therapieerfolge haben? Prof. em. Caspar
Fey Werner Martin
Neurophysiologische Korrelate der Alkoholabhängigkeit - Kontextabhängige neuronale Reizreaktivität Prof. em. Caspar
Kühne Maria
Facial Mimicry and the Processing of Facial Emotional Expressions PD Dr. Lobmaier
Yildirim Fazilet Zeynep
Redundancy Masking: Compression of Redundant Information in the Visual System Prof. Sayim
Graser Yolanda
Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder: A Contribution to a New Set of Trail Making Test Normative Data and an Approach to improve Outcome after Residential Treatment Prof. Znoj