Institutskolloquium Frühjahrssemester 2024

Donnerstag, 17.15 - 18.00 Uhr
B 102, Fabrikstrasse 8 mit anschliessendem Apéro

Die Abteilung Kognitive Psychologie, Wahrnehmung und Methodenlehre lädt in diesem Semester zum Institutskolloquium ein.

Wir freuen uns darauf, fünf exzellente Vortragende bei uns zu begrüssen, die eine grosse fachliche Breite unseres Faches abdecken:


Dr. med. Maximilian Wessel, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
“Transcranial temporal interference brain stimulation and neuroplasticity”


Prof. Dr. Andrew Thomas Gloster, Universität Luzern
“On the road to personalised psychotherapy: Need, challenges, and opportunities”

25.04.2024 ***Vortrag beginnt 17.30 Uhr***

Prof. Dr. Nelli Hankonen Tampere University, Finland
“Novel insights into using self-determination theory in health promotion”


Prof. Dr. Clemens Stachl, Universität St. Gallen, HSG
“Insights from one decade of work on the prediction of individual differences from mobile sensing data”


Prof. Dr. Elisa Raffaella Ferrè, Birkbeck University of London
“Unrevealing the vestibular system: Encoding, integration and cognition”

Dr. Maximilian Wessel: Transcranial temporal interference brain stimulation and neuroplasticity

Deep sitting brain regions, such as the hippocampus or the striatum, have never been successfully and directly modulated noninvasively by means of brain stimulation in an effort to improve behavior. Recently, however, Maximilian Wessel from Würzburg University Hospital improved motor performance of healthy older adults by means of non-invasive electrical temporal interference stimulation to the striatum. He believes that this new noninvasive brain stimulation method can be used to interrogate the role and functioning of deep brain networks in behaviour. In particular, this method has the potential for therapeutic applications. At present, Max Wessel is interested in targeting the striatum, which is a central hub for processing movement, emotions and cognitive functions. Max Wessel is convinced that this new brain stimulation method can be used to develop neurotechnology-based treatments of neuropsychological (dys)functions.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Thomas Gloster: On the road to personalised psychotherapy: Need, challenges, and opportunities

Andrew Gloster has just been appointed full professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Lucerne. He is an expert in the development and implementation of psychological interventions, and he investigates factors leading to therapy success (e.g., non-responsiveness, psychological flexibility). He is frequently using mobile technology and data science approaches.  Andrew Gloster is also a psychotherapist, trainer, and supervisor, and currently president of the international association of contextual behavioral science.

Prof. Dr. Nelli Hankonen: Novel insights into using self-determination theory in health promotion

Nelli Hankonen is an expert in behavior change, motivation, and self-regulation. A central research interest of hers is understanding people’s active engagement in managing their own behavior change and motivation related to health. Around these issues, Prof. Hankonen’s research aims to address both basic and applied research questions to ultimately help solve societal challenges. To this end, she also serves in scientific advisory boards of the government.

Prof. Dr. Clemens Stachl: Insights from one decade of work on the prediction of individual differences from mobile sensing data

Technological advances in Mobile Sensing and data analytics have revolutionized research in the behavioral and social sciences. We are excited to announce that Prof. Clemens Stachl, a pioneer in this field and Associate Professor of Behavioral Science at the University of St. Gallen, will be our guest at the next Institute’s Colloquium on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

His work bridges behavioral science and computational technology, offering novel insights into how everyday human activities (e.g., the way we interact with our smartphones) is linked to psychological processes and traits (e.g., personality, chronotypes). Prof. Stachl's research has been published in leading Personality Psychology, Behavioral Science, and Human-Computer Interaction journals and recognized in media outlets including "Forbes" and "Harvard Business Review."

Prof. Dr. Elisa Raffaella Ferrè: Unrevealing the vestibular system: Encoding, integration and cognition

Elisa is an experimental psychologist and she obtained her PhD at the University of Pavia. She is now Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Birkbeck College, University of London. Her research is focused on the impact of gravity on human perception, and cognition, and she uses an impressing range of different research methods such as galvanic stimulation, parabolic flights (microgravity), and virtual reality. She also has an interest in the artistic impact of gravity and she makes regular comments on life in extraterrestrial space